Friday 10 July 2015

Date 6 - call me master

A few weeks in and I'm in no way slowing down.

Daniel was an intriguing one. Local guy who lived not too far from my new house and works at JLR like everyone in the area. I don't really know what made me swipe right as to look at I didn't really think he was my type. He was quite balding, didn't look overly tall and had the middle class toff look about him. But he also had a nice smile and seemed to look friendly so I went for it.

It turns out that we actually got on well. Conversation flowed easily on tinder and continued when we exchanged numbers. He was respectful of my limits and the few occasions that he would try and make things a little flirty or just ask a question about my sexual proclivities I politely reminded him that I wasn't prepared to discuss that and he moved the conversation on smoothly and was generally really pleasant to talk to.

We arranged to meet one Friday night at a now local pub of ours. We agreed to be there between 7.15 and 7.30 and  being the punctual person that I am I was there at 7.15 on the dot. He arrived about 10 minutes later which although frustrates me as I had said that I am always on time I couldn't get too mad at. We found a seat together and the ice was quickly broken as I sat on the bench and nearly ended up on the floor!!

Embarrassment aside we continued to chat easily and I felt comfortable in his company. We had some light food and continued to chat. Unfortunately, wine was my downfall again and after drinking more than is acceptable I ended up inviting him back to watch Despicable Me!

When we got back to my room I did put the DVD on and we sat down to watch but it didn't take too long for the kisses to start...

Let's just say.... sometimes it's worth picking someone who you wouldn't normally class as your type!

Date 6 - SUCCESS

P.S. Patty Stanger's 2 drink maximum rule when on a date is sound advice!

Wednesday 8 July 2015

The long game... (part 3)

So.... the long game continues.

1 drink went well.
1 proper date went well.

I'm just still unsure.

It's almost worse to have someone that is absolutely fine but you just don't know than to have a really terrible date.

After my trip to Cardiff I was meant to be spending time with one very sexy Scotsman that I had met through work but I was also due to move into the new place. As it turned out the Scotsman had some work things to deal with so I got to move in rather than spending the weekend with him. I was very disappointed but I think it was for the best. The only problem was that I had not organised any transportation as I was planning to be with the Scotsman and I don't drive.

This is where this sweeteheart came and saved the day! He used his work van and helped me move to the new place! It's only a 25 minute drive or so between the 2 places but he did 2 trips and carried nearly all of my stuff! I felt awful and had repeatedly said that he didn't have to but he said that he wanted to help! Until this point the closest we had got was a quick hug, so I did give him a quick peck too - just because I wanted to show a bit of affection when he was being so lovely.

Between him and my bestie and her other half we got all the stuff moved and nearly all unpacked in just a couple of hours! Amazing! Not only that but he bought me the most thoughtful moving in present. It was a basket filled with all the things that I love - huge wine glasses, wine, 2 DVDs, chocolate, body washes, body puffs, soaps etc. It was the most thoughtful and PERFECT present!As a thank you for his help and because I didn't want him to think I was just using him as I'm really not I said I would take him out for dinner. He went home and showered and we headed to GBK (his choice) for some dinner. The food was really not to my liking but I think he enjoyed it and it was nice to talk to him and thank him for all of his effort.

I messed up big style though!

We drank to celebrate having moved all the stuff, we drank through dinner, we came back to my place and drank more, and more, and more. Needless to say I was drunk. Up until this point, we'd had a first "kiss" very briefly when he arrived to help me move that afternoon. Then things went a bit quicker.....

It's absolutely no excuse but I would never have gone that far with him if I wasn't drunk and I woke up the next morning - and he was still there - feeling the worst guilt ever as it was so clear that he was smitten with me and I am still not sure!

This was not the plan!

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Date 5 - short and not so sweet

So yet another short one - both post and man.

So I'd been speaking to Jamie for a couple of weeks. He was local and friendly and had a little boy. Didn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the box but nice enough. We went for drinks at a little pub quite out of the way. It was OK. But that's the nicest adjective I could use. There was no spark, no connection, no witty repartee, and no physical attraction. Just 2 drinks and I made my excuses.

He has since asked to meet again. Does this mean that he either thought that there was a connection and he is that far off the mark or do men really not care?

Either way - he is yet to get a reply since.

Date 5 - FAIL

Monday 6 July 2015

The long game... (part 2)

So, the long game continues. Let's call him Rob.

We did speak for a while before the first meet.... I guess for Tinder 10 days of texting is probably like a lifetime! Although in that time I travelled to London and Norfolk and generally a bit all over the place as I was trying to avoid being back at the house with the ex.

Following the drinks he plied me with plenty of compliments telling me how gorgeous he thought I was and was blatantly fishing for compliments back. I played it coy more out of being unsure whether I was interested in him or not. Although he was nice he was a tad too "I want to please you" and didn't really come across as complete on his own. I think he needed someone to be with. Physically, although he was tall and really nothing wrong with how he looked I still didn't know if he was for me.

When he invited me for date number 2 I accepted more because I really wanted to give him a chance. It didn't seem right to dismiss him just because I was unsure and he was obviously quite keen on me. He did ask what I would like to do for date 2 but I insisted that it was his choice as I wanted to encourage him to be more of a take control sort of guy - if he wanted to be around me.

Date 2:
Star City! Now, most people cringe at this date but he obviously had been taking in everything we'd spoken about as it was right up my street! I met him at Rugby train station as he had told me the date would be a surprise and had given no indication of appropriate clothing or footwear so I was in a pretty dress and heels - standard for me. In the car, he had created a playlist for me with totally cheesy songs on it mixed with some indie and other genres, pretty much all of which I loved. Especially blasting out Rickie Martin's Livin' la vida loca out the windows as we arrived in Birmingham. When we got to Star City we played mini golf and although the place was absolutely sweltering hot we had a good time and yes I won! Conversation was again very comfortable but not the easiest. We followed mini golf by going to the arcade/bowling alley and I challenged him to their version of Dance Dance revolution. I won by a mile but I was impressed that he was happy to have a go and not worry about what he looked like or what others may think of him. I think to regain some masculinity we then had a game of pool which I did surprisingly well at until I potted the black. Damn!

As we were leaving Star City we saw their twister fairground style ride and I decided we should go on! Again, he was up for it and even though we were the only 2 on the ride it was a great laugh! When Rickie Martin then was played it made us laugh as we sung along and got thrown around!

He dropped me off back at the house and we said goodbye with a hug.

All in all, I had a really good time but I'm still undecided if there's anything more to it.

Date 3...........

Saturday 4 July 2015

Cardiff baby

One thing that I love about my job is the chance to travel and see new places. This week I was lucky enough to be going to Cardiff for work!

The colleague taking me around for the day was also kind enough to take me out for dinner and drinks in the evening too all paid for by the company. Nice!

We hadn't eaten all day so by the time we ended up at the hotel bar to do a bit of work at 4pm it didn't even take one glass of wine to go to my head! I did then scoff a sandwich to make sure that I didn't get drunk and worked for a little while longer!

We'd arranged to meet later in the evening for dinner but as a low maintenance girl I was ready well before we were due to meet so I headed to a bar next to the hotel I was staying and had a couple of glasses of wine - did I mention that drinks are dirt cheap in Cardiff?!

Over dinner we had 2 bottles of wine and I was feeling completely drunk. Not so professional but I do have enough professionalism that I did not and would not sleep with a work colleague.

Unfortunately, I did decide it would be a good idea to go back out on the streets of Cardiff on my own as I had decided that I really wanted to get laid. The details are slightly fuzzy but I met some guys in the lift when leaving the hotel  one of whom was an American rapper/MC of some description who took me to where he was playing and up to his dressing room - more booze - and I watched him perform a couple of songs. It really wasn't my scene so I left. On trying to find my hotel again I stopped and asked a bouncer for directions. I did really know where I was going but I thought he was really handsome so any excuse to talk to him. We flirted for a while and he told me he finished work at 2am. He took my number and said he would call when he finished and come over. I wasn't sure if I would make it 2am and still be awake so I went back on the prowl. Lots of guys started chatting me up as I was walking and I was taken to a couple of strip clubs and other bars. I wasn't able to find someone that I fancied as much as the bouncer to bed but when I checked the time it was coming up to 2am so I headed back to his bar.

While he closed up I had some weird lecturer trying to take me back to his so was quite glad to be heading back to my hotel with the bouncer who seemed normal, interesting - and not welsh! I won't go into all the details but needless to say he was a very good choice and it was exactly what I needed! If I was ever in Cardiff again I would definitely head back to that bar to see if he was working again!

My night didn't end there. During my amorous encounter with the bouncer the phone in my hotel would ring. I assumed it was the reception telling me off for having a guest so after the bouncer left I answered it and it turned out it was the American from earlier! So, I did pop down to his room to say Hi!


Friday 3 July 2015

Date 4 - JP 2

I don't think I can officially call this one a date. But he was such a nice guy I feel he should be included.

Before I get to what happened during one evening that I was staying at the house with me ex and skyping with JP - the guy that I had been talking to on Tinder here is a little background on him. He was genuinely a really nice guy and I thought he was absolutely beautiful.

His bio was short and sweet but did tell me he was South African - I dig the accent! In fact I found him so attractive that I broke my rules and I messaged him first. The banter was immediate and easy and just in general I enjoyed talking to him. I asked him how tall he was, just under 6 foot he said, and I let him know I was 5'10. Before the end of the night he had given me his number to continue the conversation off Tinder which I gratefully added to my contacts.

We messaged constantly and the conversation continued to be fun, flirty and easy but never crossing the line. He sent me voice messages so I could hear his accent - which always made me weak at the knees - and we spoke on the phone. In fact, everything was feeling really good.

Back to the main part of the story. We are skyping one evening and being a little flirty and cheeky, bordering on very flirty and cheeky at some points and just when things are getting to be almost dirty my ex kicks off at me (even though I'm shut in the spare room expecting some privacy and peace) and scares the living shit out of me to be honest. He was always a really really big and muscly man and when he gets angry it's down right scary to know that he could easily kill me with one hand. JP saw and heard all of this while on Skype which killed the mood but he also saw how upset I was. I couldn't sleep after this had happened and I needed to get away from my ex to somewhere that I would feel safer so JP invited me round. He works in hospitality and didn't need to be work until late afternoon the next day. So I packed my case, went to the office to grab my laptop and work and then jumped on a train to Solihull.

I get to his and he meets me at the door still in his pjs. I had 2 thoughts simultaneously enter my head. 1 - I'm so happy to be somewhere other than at the house. And 2 - he's shorter than me and so skinny!!!

I feel mean for thinking the second one but I feel it worth bringing up to all men on tinder. DO NOT LIE ABOUT YOUR HEIGHT. I'm not saying that you even have to say how tall you are if you don't want to but the worst thing to do is lie about it.

Regardless, he invited me and we curled up on the sofa watching Toy Story. After the events of the previous night it was exactly what I needed. He was really friendly and conversation was still really easy and if possible easier. It was almost like there was an unspoken bond forming after him witnessing how my ex had treated me. Now, even though he had lied about his height he was still damn handsome and the accent was delicious. We had some cuddles and kisses on the sofa and some light petting.... I love that phrase!

I think all of him was in proportion so for a girl like me who is tall and has some pretty big curves I felt like a huge beast next to him but he was completely sweet and did everything he could to make me feel good. I did manage to fall asleep on his hard wood floor as I was quite tired after zero sleep the night before so I toddled off to a hotel when he went to work to catch up on some much needed Z's and think about how to get away from the ex sooner.

P.S. He told me I gave him the best head of his life. Winner.

I have since then spoken to JP every day and we still get on brilliantly. He came over to my new place too and we played Monopoly while sharing a bottle of wine and I cooked him dinner. Again, a little bit of light petting finished off the day quite nicely. It's weird but I have no desire to go any further with him. We continue to speak on a daily basis and seem to get on really well. So despite a lack of romantic interest from either side I think there is a blossoming friendship and while we're both single just a little bit of fun when we want it. Makes me feel all innocent :)


Thursday 2 July 2015

Date 3

It had to happen!

So, I've been speaking to a lot of Tinder freaks and I've met a fair few too. So far, all has gone quite well. Even those that I'm really not interested in have handled it well and I've not had any problems. I guess it couldn't last.

So after everything kicked off with my ex back at the house I really didn't want to spend the night there any more. I tried to mix it up by sleeping on my friend's couch occasionally, booking into hotels and when one of my tinder freaks was being very nice and offered me his sofa I thought...why not! Hindsight is such a bitch. If I had known then what I know now I think I may have considered staying with the ex over this freak.

All had been going so well with nice conversation and the only reason I thought it was OK to go over there was because if anything he seemed very shy, awkward and a bit geeky. Maybe I was right in that description as having a girl in her pajamas on the sofa was too much for him and since that night he messages me ALL  the time!

I tried to let him down as gently as humanly possible throwing the lines like.... It's too soon and I'm not ready for a relationship, I want to spend the rest of this year single, I'm really not interested in sex, I think I may be a lesbian, and even being as blunt as I just don't like you like that. But he is still adamant he can "wait for me". FML!

Wednesday 1 July 2015

The long game.... (part 1)

This may take a while. But let's start where all Tinder dates start.

"No I'm not small, yes I probably look different in every photo but there all me and I'm me don't like it fine but at over 6ft5 I'm not going to be a stick insect don't like swipe left or if your after a nice fun guy who knows how to treat a lady and are not soley about looks and a 6 pack swipe right"

Tall - check
Blonde hair and blue eyes - check (although not always my thing)
Rugby player - check

I was torn but obviously swiped right and was greeted with a "Good evening beautiful, how are you today xx"

Conversation was a bit weird but he did seem genuine and like he was a nice person. He wasn't a local boy, had travelled and spent time down under and generally seemed to have a bit about him. He did ask for my number and I was hesitant but explained my rules. NO COCK SHOTS - EVER! So we exchanged numbers and arranged for a drink. He met me after work one day at a local pub (I call it a local but again was not in the City I lived in or the town he lived in). We had a drink and a chat and all was OK. The conversation although not really easy was comfortable and even though he stayed on soft drinks all night as he was driving it was very pleasant. As dusk fell I said I had to leave to go back to the house that I was at that time still sharing with my ex. He offered me a lift which I declined and there was an awkward, not sure how to say good bye moment.

Rather than being blown away he got a second date just because he didn't do anything majorly wrong!

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Date 2 - JP 1

Date 2

There have been 2 JPs I've matched with on Tinder. Number 1 has since unmatched with me on Tinder so I can no longer remember what he wrote. But briefly, he was a tall, dark with a sort beard/stubble and a Brummie.

When we were talking he was definitely a gentleman, had a job and could hold a conversation. We arranged to go bowling in Birmingham and he met me at the train station with a home made hot chocolate for me. It all seemed so promising until he smiled and I saw the missing teeth. In hindsight I should have turned around and got back on the train there and then but the fool in me saw the date through.

We walked up to the bowling alley and conversation was still good. We played and I won all 3 games....despite the ball ending up in the gutter more often than not!

After that we walked down to the canal to get some food, second warning flag came in the form of the food choice. I clearly said that I was quite a foodie and didn't like places that served reheated food or generally bad pub grub. He took me to a place that I would describe as a cross between a Wetherspoons and a Table Table. Not ideal. The date ended with cocktails at a Wetherspoons - no decent food or drinks for this one at all - which he sprayed all over me!!!

Date 2 - FAIL - in epic proportions!

P.S. to all would be male suitors on tinder. Please make it clear if you are missing teeth - it really is a deal breaker for some people!

Monday 29 June 2015

Tinder date 1

Now, it's not just me trialling tinder in the office. There's 3 of us in total who are playing the tinder game.

But to keep things simple. Story 1 comes from me.

My criteria:
  • Male - always a good start
  • Tall - I am 5'10 myself
And that's really my only criteria - I may not be fussy but I am looking for the intangible "connection".

For my profile I put the obligatory face shots. Just 4. Although I think I try and show myself in the best possible light I do think that they are a fair representation of what I look like. I didn't put any full length shots mainly because I do have a rather large chest and I would rather that people didn't swipe right purely for that reason. There does seem to be some assumptions that because you have curves you must be easy. And I'm not.

My simple intro just explained that I was looking for a gentleman and that a gentleman should make the first move. I've since expanded slightly and said that I would also like a partner in crime to play monopoly with which seems to have been very well received!

So, the first match that I met was a man called Alex (24). I say man, he looked pretty young and like he thought of himself as a bit of a toff but his profile said he was 6'6 which was a fantastic start and with dark hair and eyes he looked alright too.

His bio was as follows:

"I'm 6ft 6 so you may need a yellow pages. A true country gentleman at heart, well spoken and into the finer things in life. If you're after a cheap one liner then forget it. I'm not some bad boy chav looking for a cheap hook-up! That is just not my style. I love class and sophistication.
Got a lot of time for any girl who makes the first move and can hold a conversation that consists of more than one liners!
And remember always trust a girl with a big butt...they cannot lie!"

All in all, it was a good introduction in my eyes. So after a few messages discussing celebrity crushes, ideal super powers to have and where we were based he invited me for a drink. Throwing caution to the wind I accepted and he travelled the 40 miles or so to the town (where I now live but didn't at the time) for a drink.
Conversation was good but nothing amazing as it was clear he considered himself so very middle class and to be honest I have a better job than him and more career prospects than he could ever hope to have so in my eyes relying on mummy and daddy is just not an attractive quality. Not only that but it took him to only the second drink to bring the conversation around to sex. Typical.

By this point the alcohol was taking effect and after him telling me what a big cock he had I decided I wanted to see. Long story short - as it doesn't get any more interesting - he got it out while driving me home and I wanted to laugh. Definitely not someone I would be prepared to see again.

After the obligatory "I had a great time" from him text. I think he realised I wasn't interested.

Tinder Date 1 - FAIL.

Sunday 28 June 2015

Introducing the tinder challenge.

My name is Lola. For the last 3 years I have been in a relationship. Can you call it a relationship when I was basically his mother and yet I was completely controlled?

Not that I blame him. I take full responsibility for letting the "relationship" be that way. However, on the 16th May I reached my breaking point. I have since then moved out of the house we lived in together into a houseshare in a new town, leaving behind nearly all of my possessions and embarking on a new single life.

Now, I feel the need to preface this story and explain that I moved half way across the country to be with the "man" and during the relationship I have met nobody outside of who I work with. New, single, Lola wants to meet new, local people and what better place to start than Tinder.

So welcome to my tinder challenge.