Monday 6 July 2015

The long game... (part 2)

So, the long game continues. Let's call him Rob.

We did speak for a while before the first meet.... I guess for Tinder 10 days of texting is probably like a lifetime! Although in that time I travelled to London and Norfolk and generally a bit all over the place as I was trying to avoid being back at the house with the ex.

Following the drinks he plied me with plenty of compliments telling me how gorgeous he thought I was and was blatantly fishing for compliments back. I played it coy more out of being unsure whether I was interested in him or not. Although he was nice he was a tad too "I want to please you" and didn't really come across as complete on his own. I think he needed someone to be with. Physically, although he was tall and really nothing wrong with how he looked I still didn't know if he was for me.

When he invited me for date number 2 I accepted more because I really wanted to give him a chance. It didn't seem right to dismiss him just because I was unsure and he was obviously quite keen on me. He did ask what I would like to do for date 2 but I insisted that it was his choice as I wanted to encourage him to be more of a take control sort of guy - if he wanted to be around me.

Date 2:
Star City! Now, most people cringe at this date but he obviously had been taking in everything we'd spoken about as it was right up my street! I met him at Rugby train station as he had told me the date would be a surprise and had given no indication of appropriate clothing or footwear so I was in a pretty dress and heels - standard for me. In the car, he had created a playlist for me with totally cheesy songs on it mixed with some indie and other genres, pretty much all of which I loved. Especially blasting out Rickie Martin's Livin' la vida loca out the windows as we arrived in Birmingham. When we got to Star City we played mini golf and although the place was absolutely sweltering hot we had a good time and yes I won! Conversation was again very comfortable but not the easiest. We followed mini golf by going to the arcade/bowling alley and I challenged him to their version of Dance Dance revolution. I won by a mile but I was impressed that he was happy to have a go and not worry about what he looked like or what others may think of him. I think to regain some masculinity we then had a game of pool which I did surprisingly well at until I potted the black. Damn!

As we were leaving Star City we saw their twister fairground style ride and I decided we should go on! Again, he was up for it and even though we were the only 2 on the ride it was a great laugh! When Rickie Martin then was played it made us laugh as we sung along and got thrown around!

He dropped me off back at the house and we said goodbye with a hug.

All in all, I had a really good time but I'm still undecided if there's anything more to it.

Date 3...........

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