Monday 29 June 2015

Tinder date 1

Now, it's not just me trialling tinder in the office. There's 3 of us in total who are playing the tinder game.

But to keep things simple. Story 1 comes from me.

My criteria:
  • Male - always a good start
  • Tall - I am 5'10 myself
And that's really my only criteria - I may not be fussy but I am looking for the intangible "connection".

For my profile I put the obligatory face shots. Just 4. Although I think I try and show myself in the best possible light I do think that they are a fair representation of what I look like. I didn't put any full length shots mainly because I do have a rather large chest and I would rather that people didn't swipe right purely for that reason. There does seem to be some assumptions that because you have curves you must be easy. And I'm not.

My simple intro just explained that I was looking for a gentleman and that a gentleman should make the first move. I've since expanded slightly and said that I would also like a partner in crime to play monopoly with which seems to have been very well received!

So, the first match that I met was a man called Alex (24). I say man, he looked pretty young and like he thought of himself as a bit of a toff but his profile said he was 6'6 which was a fantastic start and with dark hair and eyes he looked alright too.

His bio was as follows:

"I'm 6ft 6 so you may need a yellow pages. A true country gentleman at heart, well spoken and into the finer things in life. If you're after a cheap one liner then forget it. I'm not some bad boy chav looking for a cheap hook-up! That is just not my style. I love class and sophistication.
Got a lot of time for any girl who makes the first move and can hold a conversation that consists of more than one liners!
And remember always trust a girl with a big butt...they cannot lie!"

All in all, it was a good introduction in my eyes. So after a few messages discussing celebrity crushes, ideal super powers to have and where we were based he invited me for a drink. Throwing caution to the wind I accepted and he travelled the 40 miles or so to the town (where I now live but didn't at the time) for a drink.
Conversation was good but nothing amazing as it was clear he considered himself so very middle class and to be honest I have a better job than him and more career prospects than he could ever hope to have so in my eyes relying on mummy and daddy is just not an attractive quality. Not only that but it took him to only the second drink to bring the conversation around to sex. Typical.

By this point the alcohol was taking effect and after him telling me what a big cock he had I decided I wanted to see. Long story short - as it doesn't get any more interesting - he got it out while driving me home and I wanted to laugh. Definitely not someone I would be prepared to see again.

After the obligatory "I had a great time" from him text. I think he realised I wasn't interested.

Tinder Date 1 - FAIL.

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