Saturday 4 July 2015

Cardiff baby

One thing that I love about my job is the chance to travel and see new places. This week I was lucky enough to be going to Cardiff for work!

The colleague taking me around for the day was also kind enough to take me out for dinner and drinks in the evening too all paid for by the company. Nice!

We hadn't eaten all day so by the time we ended up at the hotel bar to do a bit of work at 4pm it didn't even take one glass of wine to go to my head! I did then scoff a sandwich to make sure that I didn't get drunk and worked for a little while longer!

We'd arranged to meet later in the evening for dinner but as a low maintenance girl I was ready well before we were due to meet so I headed to a bar next to the hotel I was staying and had a couple of glasses of wine - did I mention that drinks are dirt cheap in Cardiff?!

Over dinner we had 2 bottles of wine and I was feeling completely drunk. Not so professional but I do have enough professionalism that I did not and would not sleep with a work colleague.

Unfortunately, I did decide it would be a good idea to go back out on the streets of Cardiff on my own as I had decided that I really wanted to get laid. The details are slightly fuzzy but I met some guys in the lift when leaving the hotel  one of whom was an American rapper/MC of some description who took me to where he was playing and up to his dressing room - more booze - and I watched him perform a couple of songs. It really wasn't my scene so I left. On trying to find my hotel again I stopped and asked a bouncer for directions. I did really know where I was going but I thought he was really handsome so any excuse to talk to him. We flirted for a while and he told me he finished work at 2am. He took my number and said he would call when he finished and come over. I wasn't sure if I would make it 2am and still be awake so I went back on the prowl. Lots of guys started chatting me up as I was walking and I was taken to a couple of strip clubs and other bars. I wasn't able to find someone that I fancied as much as the bouncer to bed but when I checked the time it was coming up to 2am so I headed back to his bar.

While he closed up I had some weird lecturer trying to take me back to his so was quite glad to be heading back to my hotel with the bouncer who seemed normal, interesting - and not welsh! I won't go into all the details but needless to say he was a very good choice and it was exactly what I needed! If I was ever in Cardiff again I would definitely head back to that bar to see if he was working again!

My night didn't end there. During my amorous encounter with the bouncer the phone in my hotel would ring. I assumed it was the reception telling me off for having a guest so after the bouncer left I answered it and it turned out it was the American from earlier! So, I did pop down to his room to say Hi!


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